Monday, 25 May 2009

Grey Brighton - in Monochrome

This was taken last Sunday when these tables should have been packed with happy drinkers. Instead, as you can see, it was grey and chilly and people were having a different kind of beach experience. A rather desolate one!

Check out other Monochrome Maniacs here.


  1. Back to the scenes of my childhood and youth - it was always like this then. The world is cooling again.
    It is, dare I say it, an iconic image.

  2. This is the Great British Summer at its stupendous best - wonderful shot!

  3. I like this a lot .. all those angles ..

  4. We definitely have the same Bank Holiday view thereabouts. Classic British seaside. I can feel the whipping wind and taste the melting ice cream.

  5. That does look gloomy and cold...It has been lovely here this weekend....
    Great monochrome though...:-)

  6. I rather like the beach like this though.

    Oh, you've a retriever named Georgie! Ours is george!

  7. Great mono, i hope it was nicer there this bank holiday weekend. Although i quite like deserted beaches. :-)

  8. As a boy I lived for a while on the Somerset coast and this photo reminded me, its not all ice cream and kiss me quick hats.
    yorkshire photography


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